How to Manage Search Term Redirects?
On this page, you'll lean how to Create, Edit and Delete Search Term Redirects
Create and Edit Search Term Redirects
You can create a term redirect by click on Create. And you can edit by clicking Edit. Below is a screenshot of the Redirect Form.
- Label - This is just a label so you can easily find the redirect if you need to adjust
- Redirect URL - This is the URL that Search magic will redirect to, if it matches any of the terms from the terms list
- Term List - This is a list of terms that will be redirected.
- Term - This is the term that will be redirected to the Redirect URL
- Search Type - There are 2 search types - Contains Term and Exact Term.
- Contains Term - If the search query contains the term, it will be redirected. So in the above example if a customer searches "about us", w the search will be redirected to the Redirect URL.
- Exact Term - If the search query contains the exact term, it will be redirected. So in the above example the customer will have to search "info", in order to be redirected to the Redirect URL.
- Contains Phrase - if the search query contains the phrase, it will be redirected. So, if you are wanting any searches that contain the phrase "polo shirt", to be redirected to your category page. You'll use the Contains Phrase Search type. So if a customer searches "red polo shirt", this will redirect the customer to the category page.
Delete Search Term Redirects
To delete a term Redirect, click on the Delete button in the Redirect List.