How to Edit Display settings
In the Shopify Display settings, you will be able to do the following
- Search Magic Content Display Settings
- Control the number of products that show per page
- Adjust Layout and Design
- Adjust the Search Result Product Sort Order
Search Magic Content
There are a variety of settings that are available to adjust the Search Magic content.
- Return All Data in Results: If you'd like search results to return collections or info pages. Set to Yes to show collections or info pages to show and to No to only show products in results
Redirect if Only One Item: This option will automatically redirect to the one item that is returned. set to Yes to redirect and No to show the results page.
Redirect to product if product sku matches search query: This option will automatically redirect to a product where the search query matches the product sku. Set Yes to Redirect and No to show results
Disable "all" search from returning all data: In Search Magic if your search query is all search magic will return all data from your store. Set Yes to disable and No to enable. (This option is good for testing filters)
Show Filtering/Facet: This option will allow you to completely disable Filtering in your Search Results and Collection Pages (if enabled). Set Yes to Display And No to Hide.
Lowercase Filters: This option is used to normalize your filter data. So if your data has inconsistent upper and lower case data like Usa or USA, it is recommended you set the value to Yes as then both these filter values will be combined. If your data is consistent and you have abbreviations like USA and you'd like to keep your data in the correct abbreviations, Set value to No.
Image Placeholder for products or collections missing images: If you are missing images for your products or collections (if enabled), then you can upload your own custom image placeholder. If not we will use the default image shown.
Products Per Page
Allows you to configure how many products or items will show per page in the Search Results and Collection pages (if enabled). Below is a screenshot of settings and more info will follow.
- Click to add new item per page.
- Click to to remove items per page
- Click on to radio button to select the default items per page
- If you'd like to edit items per page number simply change the number in each input
Adjust Layout and Design
In the color and font styles tab, you will be able to adjust the colors and font styles of the Search Magic results page and collection page (if enabled) to match your stores theme. Below is a screenshot of the tab that is using the Vertical Layout.
- Layout: When selecting a layout, you have the option between 2 different layouts as shown below. To change the layout simply change the Layout drop-down to either Vertical or Horizontal. You can Preview or see a sample of the layout by going to the Preview tab or go to the Color and Font Styles tab.
Pagination Type: Search Magic has 2 Pagination Types, as shown below. In the Pagination type drop-down select Page Number to show page number navigation or Show More Button to show Show more Button Navigation.
- To edit, click on a main Search Magic section, like Filter if you have the Vertical Layout selected, this will open a list of subsections where you can control various styles that include: background color, border, font styles and more. Each section is broken down in their own sub-section, as shown below. If you are editing the Colors and Font Styles in the desktop browser you will be able to hover over the section and it will highlight the section you will be editing.
- When you are done editing, make sure you click Save.
Search Result Product Sort Order
In the Sort tab, you will be able to adjust the Sort Label and adjust search results by weighting certain field values higher, which in turn will adjust how search results will return.
- Sort Label: This field is used to control the default sort label in the store.
- Setup Default Sorting: This section allows you adjust the default relevancy sort, so that specific products are returned before other items. To understand search results relevancy works, click here
- Field: In the field drop-down, you'd which product field you'd like to make an adjust to the sort relevancy
- Action: In the action drop down there 3 actions available, Equals, Field Value and Is Not Empty.
- Equals, will adjust the sorting on the field and the value that you that you enter.
- Field Value, will adjust the sorting based on the field value, given the value is an integer. You have 3 modifier options available, None, Multiply, Square Root, Reciprocal.
- Is Not Empty, will adjust the sorting of the field if the value is not empty.
- Weight: Allows you to boost the selected field and action, so that the results will appear higher.
- Default Sorting Examples are shown below
- In the below example, we have adjusted the search result sorting, so that any products returned in the search results will be sorted so that products with the brand of acme will show up first and then products with the brand of nike would should up next, but based on the how relevant the product is to the search query.
- In the below example, we have adjusted the search result sorting, so that any products returned in the search results will be sorted so that products with the brand of acme will show up first and then products with the brand of nike would should up next, but based on the how relevant the product is to the search query.