Search Preview (include sections)


Below you will find links to preview your new Search.
Search Results page: URL
Section page: URL
In the top left corner of each Preview page is a search box you can use to test your search.
On the Search Results page, the search box allows you to search for a particular term.
On the Section page, the search box allows you to enter a Yahoo store page ID of the section you want to preview.

Please review when you get a chance (particularly the results and filters) and let us know of any adjustments you'd like to see before we go live.

Search Magic has a default set of rules it uses to search for the terms and determine which results to display, but we can (and often do) make adjustments to those rules to increase the accuracy of the results. Some stores do better than others with the default settings - it depends on the type of data and products you have.
Feel free to test out some of your most popular search terms and please let us know if the results need to be improved.
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